How to upload an Android App on Google Play Store?

Upload App on Google Play Store
Upload App on Google Play Store
Upload App on Google Play Store

Upload App on Google Play Store

Uploading an application on Google play store is not as much difficult as submitting the application on Apple Developer Account. Within few hours or so you can upload your android application and your app will start to get listing up in play-store listings.

Step 1. Initial step to upload an app to Google play store is to get registered with Google Marketplace first. So if you already have the Google id then you can associate that with it otherwise you can apply for the new one at

Step 2. Every individual have to pay the fee i.e. of $25 for publishing the apps on Google app store. So to make the payments click on “Continue to payment” and complete account details. It may take upto 48 hours to get the account activated.

Step 3. Basic Android Development Life Cycle is as follows –

            Code → Build → Test → Signing → Deploy

Step 4. Before uploading & launching an application on Google play store your application must be signed.

Step 5. You must need to be in the supported country before submitting an app.

Step 6. One of the question which you need to answer in this process will be of the content rating. Google will ask you about the content maturity i.e. what kind of content your application exactly contains/having.

Step 7. Google only allows applications up-to 50 MegaBytes in size to get uploaded on Google App Store but if your application is greater in size than 50 Megabytes then no worries, you just have to use the “Android’s APK Expansion File API”, with this it can download up-to 4 GigaBytes of space from the Google servers.

Step 8. You need to upload the at-least 2 screenshots along with an icon for an app. Along with the screen-shots you must have to create and upload the high resolution icon (512×512), a feature graphic (1024×500), and a promo graphic (180×120). The last 2 are optional but to list your application in the featured listing on Google app store you must need to have the featured graphics as well.

Step 9. The final part for application upload on Google play store is to have the pricing options. You can set the pricing for your application but if you have set the app as a free app and published it, after that it can not be rolled back to priced in any case. So be careful on this point.

Step 10. Once you are ok with all the settings and pricing of your application, you can upload the APK file of your application and hit the “Publish” button.

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