Introduction to LAMP Stack

Introduction LAMP
Introduction LAMP

LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP which means that it’s an open source technology which uses Linux as an operating system, Apache as a web-server, MySQL as a database, and PHP as a object oriented server side scripting language. Similar to LAMP we also do have WAMP, MAMP, and SAMP and W stands for windows, M for Macintosh, & S for Solaris respectively.

Linux – Linux is the free open source operating system which is freely available for users and developers so that they can develop & re-distribute it by modifying the source code of an OS.

Apache – Apache is the web-server, web server checks for the web page which you have requested & fetches it for your viewing. Basically web server receives your request for opening a web page, it performs some security checks, and finally takes you to the page which you have requested.

MySQL – MySQL is the relational database management system which is used to store the data in the form of tables. With MySQL the developers can make the content of the web or mobile applications dynamic rather than creating static stuff. Within the application or the website all the user related information, all products, orders placed, and other kind of information will reside in this database in a defined format and later on you can fetch these records using SQL queries.

PHP – PHP is the server side scripting language which stands for Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP is getting widely used for web development which can be embedded into HTML directly. PHP is very easy to use and fast as compared to other web development languages. PHP supports OOPs i.e. object oriented programming. Till now we were having stable php version 5.6.x but now PHP has launched PHP 7 as stable version which have advancements as compared to PHP 5.6 like Traits, Namespaces etc.

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